Six Figure LinkedIn - £1,495

All the content contained in Six Figure LinkedIn is property of Maverrik and for the purchasers use only. No part of this content can be placed in the public domain, shared or resold. 


Refund Policy

When you sign up to Six Figure LinkedIn you will have a 14-Day cooling off period. If you have accessed any of the programme features we may deduct a reasonable amount from any refund.

Six-Figure LinkedIn Course

Build a Six-Figure Pipeline and Win Clients on LinkedIn   

Get ready to build an impressive list of prospects, drive them to your inbox, and proactively follow up to close deals. 


High-Converting Offer Creation £500
Crafting Your Compelling Message £500
Identify Your Most Valuable Clients £500
The LinkedIn Flywheel System £500
Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn £500
Creating Content that Converts £500
Fill Your Profile with Prospects £500
Create, Launch & Fill Your Webinars with LinkedIn £500
Launch Your 100k PDF Lead Magnet £500
High-Performance Social Selling £750
Algorithm Proof Your Business with An Email List £500
Filling Your Calendar with Calls £750
Converting Calls into Clients £750


Total Training Value -£7,250 

Today's Price - £1,495


Six-Phases to Six-Figures

Phase 1: Go-to-Market Strategy

Define your most valuable clients and create an unmissable offer that will make them eager to work with you.

Phase 2: Building Your Personal Brand

Showcase your expertise and optimise your LinkedIn page to attract leads directly to your inbox.

Phase 3: Content that Converts 

Master the art of LinkedIn content to captivate potential clients, stop the scroll, and generate inbound interest. 

Phase 4: Connect to Your Crowd 

Strategically grow your network by adding 30-40 of your most valuable clients every week.

Phase 5: Engage Your Most Valuable Clients 

Transform fresh leads into booked calls and consistent revenue. Implement a list of strategies that will win you new business.

Phase 6: Convert Calls into Clients 

Uncover your prospects' needs and desires during sales calls, and discover the best way to present your offer and showcase your value.

By the end of these six phases, you'll have a vast network to tap into, an engaged audience captivated by your content, and the ability to consistently convert clients from LinkedIn every week.

Start building your Six-Figure Pipeline on LinkedIn